Operation CatSnip of Kentucky exists to stop the overpopulation of stray, feral and free-roaming cats (COMMUNITY CATS). We believe in educating the public on the benefits of Trap, Neuter, Return (to field) and Manage as opposed to eradication or relocation.
We are comprised of a group of volunteers that:
1.Train caretakers on trapping
2. Schedule surgeries
3. Work monthly clinics
3. Trap and transport for the disabled or elderly
4. Loan out traps, bait and trap covers
5. Educate the public on the benefits of T,N,R, M
1. Relocate cats
2. Take in cats that you trap to "get rid of"
3. Euthanize cats
4. Alter for free
5. Prescribe or give out medications for you cat(s)
6. Alter indoor cats
If unsure of what we do and what we don't visit the FAQ's page.
Operation CatSnip of Kentucky utilizes the Shelby County Humane Society Mary Gaylord McClean Clinic for our TNRM clinics. We do not have our own clinic, sanctuary or shelter. We do not offer any other services for cats (medical care, relocation, etc.) but Trap, Neuter, Return and Manage.
Right to Refuse Service
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who engages in inappropriate
treatment of staff, volunteers, property, or animals. We may also refuse service
to anyone who repeatedly fails to follow our clinic policies.
Services Provided during Surgery
Spay or neuter with dissolvable sutures
Ear Tip (mandatory)
Rabies vaccination (mandatory)
Flea Preventative
Treatment for ear mites
Pain Medication
Fluids, if needed
What We Do:
1. We loan out traps and covers for the traps
2. We provide instructions for trapping
3. We give all kittens and cats their "FVRCP" vaccine and their "Rabies" vaccine
when age appropriate
4. Cat's ears are cleaned and treated for mites when applicable
5. Cats are flea treated
We cannot help you if:
1. You will not allow the cats to return to their home environment
2. You are not willing or able to feed the cats
3. You want to relocate them
4. You want to trap them to relinquish them to an animal shelter/humane society
5. You do not live in Shelby County, KY
6. You will not bring the cat in a trap that we loan out (we DO NOT accept cats in
carriers or cages under any circumstances) Our veterinarian will not alter any cat that is not in
OUR trap, you will be turned away at the door.
7. Your cat(s) are INDOOR or INDOOR/OUTDOOR
Contact the local Shelby Co. Humane Society at (502)-633-4033 they will assist customers
out of the county and offer low-cost spay-neuter, micro chipping and vaccinations.